"Your voice and our songs stay with me during the week, opening my heart and giving me courage." Clare Brown
"I am so grateful that we have had two complete years of face-to-face chorus! I remember especially back in the fall of 2022, it felt like every chorus meeting was burning up some of the pain that the pandemic had created, and I'd drive home resting in the sense of pain dissolving. And now chorus continues to feel like the blessing it has always been! Thank you!" Koren Kessler
"Last night was magic. I am so blessed to have you and this group in my life. Thank you for permission to surrender to pure joy in the experience of singing."
Cyndy Falgout
"No matter how I'm feeling when I arrive at chorus, I leave feeling centered, content and refreshed. Kathleen has a heart of gold, a generosity of spirit, and a joy of music that are gifts I treasure beyond measure." Lyn Steuart
"This is not a performing group, more like a heavenly sociable spiritual practice." Judith Valerie
"Thank you for a wonderful spring Chorus. You do a marvelous job of bringing us together in love, spirit, unity, equality, compassion, and joy. I look forward to the summer session. " Gayle Kirk
"I very much enjoy singing in this group, in the mindful yet casual culture Kathleen
has established. There is no competition, no spotlighting--only inclusivity and encouragement song choices are aligned with spiritual living, but non-denominational...a balm for the soul in our busy lives." Jennifer Hansen
"Your warmth and generosity of Spirit, your wise words and your unique combination of enthusiasm and wisdom infused the whole evening with hope and joy. You are a gift to our community, it is always a pleasure to be in your presence." Karen Stewart
"Kathleen's approach gets to the heart of song. She combines music with body movements, meditation, caring community and awareness of the natural world. Through her gentle guidance the body relaxes, the spirit opens, and sounds come forth in new ways. I find that I'm not just singing; I am reconnecting with experiences of childhood wonder." Margie Dingman
"Thank you for inspiring people to sing Kathleen. It is such a holy, healing gift."
Mary Cleary
"Kathleen's songs make me very happy because there is so much love in them." Lauren Martell
"I have been singing ever so much more this year, around the house, in the car, in the garden, and very joyously and freely, after singing with your chorus. I just love what you have been doing. Thank you! " Rhoda Neshama Waller
"I love how relaxed Kathleen's teaching is. The way she teaches a melody conveys confidence that we ARE learning the music. It makes it so simple. The ways that she integrates awareness of our bodies and the space around us is very helpful, in singing, listening and just being more present to life." Susan Wind
"You are a natural facilitator of the Truth through music/sound and dance/movement! You are authentic and approachable. With your profound experience of the Truth and your ability to share it, your energy is infectious! It affects everyone - we all catch it!!!" Parjanya Ishaya
"Chorus is soul food for me, filling up and spilling over every week. Muchas gracias!" Valerie Moura
"Dear Kathleen: I really appreciate your light & joyful attitude... Chorus feels like a very safe space to stretch myself beyond my "comfort zone" and I am pleased with how much more confident I feel about letting my voice out to play!"
Coco Rosenblatt-Farrell
"I love the chorus because it's so much more than a chorus! It's about connection and sharing, and lying on the ground moving from our core self. I love the songs from so many cultures, and the wonderful originals. And I love the life affirming direction that Kathleen's teaching always provides." Moksha Kolman
"Chorus has been a very healing experience for my body, mind and soul. It's like a pouring out of your heart with song, and then a filling it back up with the voices of others in the chorus community. It clears my mind, flows through my body and lifts up my soul." bj Fusaro
"The chorus evenings and the followup "chorus notes" are all part of a beautiful, inspiring and transformative process that continues well beyond each chorus gathering. I have been singing the Beauty Waltz a lot, a lot. Blessed be, my friend. " Lois Hill
"I was singing your "Water In The Well" song in the car today and my little one said, "Mama, how come you can sing so good?" I told him that everyone can sing that way if you just sing from your heart...we then proceeded to make up songs using
their names and how much we love each other...Thanks for a great song that started a "forever" moment for me." Emi Charboneau
"Thank you for such endless numbers of deep, beautiful, sacred, meaningful, heartfilling chorus evenings. When someone said, "Let's do this forever,"
that's how I felt." Helen Spielman
"What a wonderful evening last night. I loved the songs we sang - the melodies spoke right to my heart. I loved your expression of being held, lifted by the solidness of the music. I felt it too, in the room, and in my chest, a powerful vibration...The sound of my own voice is unfamiliar, as if a whole other being resides in the notes or the spaces between the notes...Singing is something I'm both drawn to and intimidated by. So this is a wonderful (and challenging) experience for me. Thank you for doing this work, making a comfortable place for all of us to come together: a singing house!" Cici Stevens
"I am so grateful that we have had two complete years of face-to-face chorus! I remember especially back in the fall of 2022, it felt like every chorus meeting was burning up some of the pain that the pandemic had created, and I'd drive home resting in the sense of pain dissolving. And now chorus continues to feel like the blessing it has always been! Thank you!" Koren Kessler
"Last night was magic. I am so blessed to have you and this group in my life. Thank you for permission to surrender to pure joy in the experience of singing."
Cyndy Falgout
"No matter how I'm feeling when I arrive at chorus, I leave feeling centered, content and refreshed. Kathleen has a heart of gold, a generosity of spirit, and a joy of music that are gifts I treasure beyond measure." Lyn Steuart
"This is not a performing group, more like a heavenly sociable spiritual practice." Judith Valerie
"Thank you for a wonderful spring Chorus. You do a marvelous job of bringing us together in love, spirit, unity, equality, compassion, and joy. I look forward to the summer session. " Gayle Kirk
"I very much enjoy singing in this group, in the mindful yet casual culture Kathleen
has established. There is no competition, no spotlighting--only inclusivity and encouragement song choices are aligned with spiritual living, but non-denominational...a balm for the soul in our busy lives." Jennifer Hansen
"Your warmth and generosity of Spirit, your wise words and your unique combination of enthusiasm and wisdom infused the whole evening with hope and joy. You are a gift to our community, it is always a pleasure to be in your presence." Karen Stewart
"Kathleen's approach gets to the heart of song. She combines music with body movements, meditation, caring community and awareness of the natural world. Through her gentle guidance the body relaxes, the spirit opens, and sounds come forth in new ways. I find that I'm not just singing; I am reconnecting with experiences of childhood wonder." Margie Dingman
"Thank you for inspiring people to sing Kathleen. It is such a holy, healing gift."
Mary Cleary
"Kathleen's songs make me very happy because there is so much love in them." Lauren Martell
"I have been singing ever so much more this year, around the house, in the car, in the garden, and very joyously and freely, after singing with your chorus. I just love what you have been doing. Thank you! " Rhoda Neshama Waller
"I love how relaxed Kathleen's teaching is. The way she teaches a melody conveys confidence that we ARE learning the music. It makes it so simple. The ways that she integrates awareness of our bodies and the space around us is very helpful, in singing, listening and just being more present to life." Susan Wind
"You are a natural facilitator of the Truth through music/sound and dance/movement! You are authentic and approachable. With your profound experience of the Truth and your ability to share it, your energy is infectious! It affects everyone - we all catch it!!!" Parjanya Ishaya
"Chorus is soul food for me, filling up and spilling over every week. Muchas gracias!" Valerie Moura
"Dear Kathleen: I really appreciate your light & joyful attitude... Chorus feels like a very safe space to stretch myself beyond my "comfort zone" and I am pleased with how much more confident I feel about letting my voice out to play!"
Coco Rosenblatt-Farrell
"I love the chorus because it's so much more than a chorus! It's about connection and sharing, and lying on the ground moving from our core self. I love the songs from so many cultures, and the wonderful originals. And I love the life affirming direction that Kathleen's teaching always provides." Moksha Kolman
"Chorus has been a very healing experience for my body, mind and soul. It's like a pouring out of your heart with song, and then a filling it back up with the voices of others in the chorus community. It clears my mind, flows through my body and lifts up my soul." bj Fusaro
"The chorus evenings and the followup "chorus notes" are all part of a beautiful, inspiring and transformative process that continues well beyond each chorus gathering. I have been singing the Beauty Waltz a lot, a lot. Blessed be, my friend. " Lois Hill
"I was singing your "Water In The Well" song in the car today and my little one said, "Mama, how come you can sing so good?" I told him that everyone can sing that way if you just sing from your heart...we then proceeded to make up songs using
their names and how much we love each other...Thanks for a great song that started a "forever" moment for me." Emi Charboneau
"Thank you for such endless numbers of deep, beautiful, sacred, meaningful, heartfilling chorus evenings. When someone said, "Let's do this forever,"
that's how I felt." Helen Spielman
"What a wonderful evening last night. I loved the songs we sang - the melodies spoke right to my heart. I loved your expression of being held, lifted by the solidness of the music. I felt it too, in the room, and in my chest, a powerful vibration...The sound of my own voice is unfamiliar, as if a whole other being resides in the notes or the spaces between the notes...Singing is something I'm both drawn to and intimidated by. So this is a wonderful (and challenging) experience for me. Thank you for doing this work, making a comfortable place for all of us to come together: a singing house!" Cici Stevens